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CAC | Board of Directors
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Board of Directors
Board positions are open for election (typically at the spring seminar) as follows:
Even numbered years: Regional Director North, Recording Secretary, Membership Secretary
Odd numbered years: Regional Director South, Treasurer, Editorial Secretary
Every year: President-Elect
Kevin Andera
Orange County Sheriff-Coroner
320 N Flower St Santa Ana, CA 92703
(714) 834-4510 FAX (714) 834-4519
Email Click here for a listing of Past Presidents
3 year term, 1 year as President-Elect, 1 year as President, 1 year as Past-President
Calls for Transitional Board Meeting immediately following the May Business Meeting
Presides over business (2x) and board meetings (4x)
Organizes the board meetings not held in conjunction with a seminar
Answers all correspondence/inquiries or directs them to the appropriate board member or committee
Assigns tasks to board members or committees
Helps establish the board meeting agendas
Resolves disputes within the organization
Reads and hands off ethics matters to Ethics Committee Chairperson
Fills committee assignments Passes the coconut and medallion of office to the President-Elect at the banquet.
Immediate Past President:
Adam Dutra
San Diego Police Department
1401 Broadway MS 725
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 531-2577
FAX (619) 531-2520
Last year of 3 year term
Transfers all files to the President
Insures an orderly transition to the next President
Advises the President concerning on-going issues
Coordinates the "New Member Receptions" at the two semi-annual seminars with the seminar chairperson(s)
Tracks the W. Jack Cadman award
Takes over acting President duties in case of the absence of the President and the President Elect.
Todd Weller
Oakland Police Department Criminalistics Laboratory
455 7th St Rm 608
Oakland, CA 94607
(510) 238-3386
FAX (510) 238-6555
3 year term, 1 year as President-Elect, 1 year as President, 1 year as Past-President
Replaces the President if the position is unfilled or the President is absent
Ex-officio member of the Endowment Committee
Ex-officio member of the Financial Review Committee
Responsible for the yearly Salary Survey to be completed for inclusion in the 1st quarter CAC News
Assumes the Presidency at the May Banquet.
Recording Secretary:
Jamie Miller
Orange County Sheriff-Coroner
320 N Flower St
Santa Ana, CA 92703
(714) 834-4510
FAX (714) 834-4519
2 year term
Takes the minutes during the Board of Director and Business Meetings
Maintains a policy file which records all motions passed during the meetings
Keeps the seal of the Corporation and affixes it to documents as required
Maintains the file of all official correspondence
Prepares and sends out announcements of Business Meetings to the Membership thirty days prior to the meeting
Sends out the announcement of Board of Directors Meetings to board members and committee chairs and assembles the package of reports for the meeting
Prepares the agenda in conjunction with the President.
Laura Silva
Oakland Police Department Crime Lab
455 7th St Rm 608
Oakland, CA 94607
(510) 238-3386
FAX (510) 238-6555
2 year term
Receives and safely keeps all funds of the Corporation
Deposits funds in designated banks
Supervises and controls the keeping of the books and accounts of the Corporation
Maintains bank accounts, pays expenses, prepares financial reports, collects dues
Orders journals
Prepares CAC budget
Ex-Officio member of the Endowment, Seminar Planning and Financial Review Committees.
Editorial Secretary:
Greg Matheson
Los Angeles Police Department
1800 Paseo Rancho Castilla
Los Angeles, CA 90032
(323) 415-8112
FAX (323) 276-1942
2 year term Edits and publishes the CAC News quarterly
Writes an editorial column for the CAC News
Communicates with the preparer of the CAC News
Communicates with the Journal of The Forensic Science Society and the Journal of Forensic Sciences (AAFS journal) staff
Communicates with other forensic associations
Maintains an official mailing list
Communicates with the CAC Webmaster
Chairperson of the Publications Committee
Appoints a committee for any required technical edits of the CAC News.
Membership Secretary:
Michelle Halsing
CA DOJ Jan Bashinski DNA Lab
1003 W. Cutting Blvd
Richmond, CA 94804
(510) 620-3571
FAX (510) 231-8744
2 year term
Maintains membership files
Reviews applicant applications for qualifications and completeness
Corresponds with applicants to obtain additional information as required
Corresponds with applicants who have not successfully met the requirements or were not approved by the membership
Maintains log regarding each applicant to track his/her status
Prepares membership certificates
Maintains email correspondence with membership to update them as to meetings and other important information.
Regional Director North:
Meghan Mannion Gray
CA DOJ Jan Bashinski DNA Laboratory
1001 W. Cutting Blvd Richmond, CA 94804
(510) 620-3300 FAX (510) 231-8744
2 year term
Represents CAC members in the Northern part of the state (Fresno County/San Luis Obispo-Southern Boundary) , northern Nevada, and all other states except Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas.
Assigns and helps with organizing regional study group/luncheon or dinner meetings
Appoints study group chairs
Responsible for the publicity of the meetings.
Regional Director South:
2 year term
Represents CAC members in Southern part of the state (Kern County/Santa Barbara-Northern Boundary) , Arizona, southern Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas
Assigns and helps with organizing regional study group/luncheon or dinner meetings
Appoints study group chairs
Responsible for the publicity of the meetings.

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