California Association of Criminalists

Since 1954

Full Member Seminar Lottery

As laboratories are often unable to financially support attendance at the biannual CAC seminars of their technical staff, on 5/20/13, the Board of Directors decided to create a seminar lottery in order to reward a Full Member of the California Association of Criminalists for their membership and to help fund the recipient's attendance at a CAC seminar.

In order to participate in this lottery, CAC members must:

  1. Be classified as a Full Member of the CAC prior to entering the lottery
  2. Enter the lottery through their online account
  3. Agree to pay up-front and request reimbursement after the seminar
  4. Understand that the qualifying expenses will be reimbursed up to $1,000.00
  5. Not be a member of the current CAC Board of Directors

The recipient will be chosen by computer, at random, from all of the Full Members who have entered the lottery by the cutoff date. The recipient is notified immediately by a member of the Board of Directors or designee.

View the Policy statement for further details.

Past Recipients