California Association of Criminalists

Since 1954

American Board of Criminalistics Examination Award

The American Board of Criminalistics allows each of its member organizations to choose one individual per year to take an ABC exam without a sitting fee. The CAC will pay the application fee. More information on the ABC exams is available at If you wish to be considered for this award, please submit a completed application to the Awards Committee by December 31st (see application below). The CAC requirements for receiving this award are:

  1. No nomination is required; the applicant applies directly to the Awards committee.
  2. Any member of the CAC (Affiliate, Corresponding, Associate, Full, Retired, or Life) is eligible.
  3. The application may be for any ABC exam. The ABCcurrently offers examinations in the following areas of certification:
    • Biological Evidence Screening (ABC-BIO)
    • Comprehensive criminalistics (ABC-CC)
    • Drug Analysis (ABC-DA)
    • Forensic DNA (ABC-DNA)
    • Molecular biology (ABC-MB)
  4. The applicant must meet the minimum qualifications for taking an ABC exam.
  5. The first criteria is financial need (e.g. students, new employees, or employees without a tuition reimbursement program).
  6. The second criteria is employer's educational requirements (e.g. employees are required to take an ABC exam, or get credit towards promotion if they are certified).
  7. If more than one applicant meets qualifications 2 through 6 then the winner will be selected by random drawing. Applicants who do not meet the criteria for financial need or educational requirements will still be eligible if no other applicants did meet those criteria (and the winner would also be selected by random drawing).

PLEASE NOTE: You MUST submit the Necessary Forms to the ABC before sitting the exam!

To apply for the American Board of Criminalistics Examination Award, you must submit the Application Form:

Past Recipients